Still I Rise

类别:文学名著 作者:玛雅·盎格鲁 本章:Still I Rise

    You may e me down in ory

    itter, ted lies,

    You may trod me in t

    But still, like dust, Ill rise.

    Does my sassiness upset you?

    h gloom?

    Cause I  oil wells

    Pumping in my living room.

    Just like moons and like suns,

    itainty of tides,

    Just like hopes springing high,

    Still Ill rise.

    Did you  to see me broken?

    Bowed head and lowered eyes?


    eakened by my soulful cries.

    Does my iness offend you?

    Dont you take it awful hard

    Cause I laug gold mines

    Diggin in my own back yard.

    You may s me h your words,

    You may cut me h your eyes,

    You may kill me efulness,

    But still, like air, Ill rise.

    Does my sexiness upset you?

    Does it come as a surprise

    t I dance like Ive got diamonds

    At ting of my thighs?

    Out of ts of orys shame

    I rise

    Up from a past ts rooted in pain

    I rise

    Im a black ocean, leaping and wide,

    elling and side.

    Leaving bes of terror and fear

    I rise

    Into a daybreak ts wondrously clear

    I rise

    Bringing ts t my ancestors gave,

    I am the slave.

    I rise

    I rise

    I rise.

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